It’s no secret that we are the business we are today because of the amazing group of loyal customers that have continually followed and supported us over the last four years. We regularly receive feedback, ideas, and, frankly, encouragement from our customers, and our community has helped drive some of the biggest decisions we’ve made to date. With such a loyal and engaged customer base, we decided to create a platform to highlight and showcase the people who are wearing our sh*t simply because they love it. So without further ado, here’s our interview series, STIK in the WIld.
Michelle Phillips does not hide her love for STIK.... just check out her instagram! You won’t be able to scroll too far down her feed without seeing her dawning one of her many beanies in front of a stunning mountainous view. When I nervously reached out to Michelle to ask her about interviewing her (I could only imagine the gamut of responses I could potentially receive), she didn’t even say yes - she just responded with her availability. (PHEW! Big relief for me.)

Jumping on the phone with Michelle was such a joy - she immediately alerted me to her bulldog, Otis, who may or may not interrupt us in our conversation (he didn’t but I was secretly hoping he would). I knew from the outset that we were in for a fun conversation. Real talk: I did not know Michelle before I awkwardly emailed her - so we started this chat at the beginning: “Michelle, where are you from?” (very innovative, Tor. Great leading question.)
Well, Michelle is from Marblehead, MA, a small coastal town north of Boston, and when she’s not there, she’s at her house in New Hampshire. She’s a mom of three plus three dogs (Otis, Finn and Brody,) a self-described outdoors-woman, and she loves to have fun with fashion and accessories. She’s also REALLY good at Instagram (like, really good). Before our call, I checked her out on the old IG and was blown away by some of the photos she’s taken. So it’s no surprise that that’s how she found us three years ago! Here’s a snippet of our conversation FYE (for your enjoyment - I just made that up).
Q: How did you find out about Sh*t That I Knit?
A: I joined Instagram about 3 years ago and somehow stumbled upon Sh*t That I Knit. I loved the name and was immediately drawn to Christina. It was fun to follow the company and hear Christina talk about the behind the scenes.
Q: What was the first STIK product you owned?
A: Well, I’m a sucker for a good pom pom, so when I saw the Instagram, I immediately was like “Wow - I have to get one of these beanies.” So I went ahead and ordered one - I can’t remember what my first one was - but I loved it. Now, I’m admittedly a little addicted to this sh*t. I think I have over 12 STIK products!
Q: What is your favorite STIK product
A: Oh I could never choose a favorite. But if I had to, I’d go with any of the beanies. I’m constantly wearing them and getting compliments on them. I wear them hiking - they are very versatile.
Q: What is it you love the most about STIK?
A: I love that STIK gives back. I love that they employ women in Peru and give them jobs. I love that they donate Give-A-Sh*t kits to cancer patients. To be honest, I’m 3 years out of breast cancer treatment and searching for a hat that didn’t make my head itchy was hard. These beanies are so soft and gentle - so knowing that I’m buying from a company that is giving back in so many ways is awesome.
Q: Where is the farthest away from home your STIK products have ever been?
A: Well they go to New Hampshire a lot. I wear them hiking all the time. But I’ve worn my beanie in Colorado. And also wore my wrap in Italy!
From here we got into some fun rapid fire questions - here it goes:
Favorite meal in your city: G Bar and Kitchen in Swampscott
Favorite retail experience: Online shopping with coffee in bed and Otis. It’s my “retail therapy
Favorite skincare item: Tata Harper
Favorite Influencer to follow on social: Stephanie Stellwagen - we’ve met several times, she’s a love.
Favorite TV show right now: Watching the Patriots - I'm not a big TV watcher, but I love the Pats
What are you reading right now: The Underground Railroad, but I just finished The Great Alone and Where the Crawdad Sings - both are just incredible
Favorite activity: I love to ski at Wildcat and I love to go out to Colorado
Favorite drink to relieve stress: Red Wine
(We’re with you on this one Michelle!)
Before we hung up, I asked Michelle if there was anything else she wanted to say or share - here’s what she had to say:
“What I really love about STIK and what also drew me to Christina was how she’s so real. I watch her on instagram and in her stories, she’s just skipping down the street telling us what’s going on. She’s just so honest. I wish more companies could be like her. It makes it fun.”
Well, Michelle - we are honored to hear that, and we are so grateful to you for being such a big STIK fan and for keepin’ it real in all of your sh*t.
To learn more about Michelle - we highly recommend following her on Insta. You won’t be disappointed. If you want to be featured on our STIK in the wild series - hit us up at
Thanks for reading friends!
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