A Day in the Life of a STIK Summer Intern

A Day in the Life of a STIK Summer Intern


Hi everyone! My name is Kendall, and I’m a STIK Summer Intern. So far, being an intern at STIK has been a special and empowering experience. I get to work in an environment where creativity is extruded, bold ideas are encouraged, and fun is basically a main food group.

I have only ever worked for small, all-female companies before, so naturally, Sh*t That I Knit was the perfect fit for me. The STIK team has exceeded my expectations, in terms of their characteristics and qualities. To me, working with driven, hard-working, fun people is so much more important than my role in the company. I think it’s safe to say I have struck gold!! Working at the STIK Beach House with amazing women has been a great opportunity, and I am lucky to be a part of it.

So, I did some research, and it seems like it’s a tradition for STIK employees to share their daily routine. To be honest, I’m not sure why, but I like it and I’m going with it. SO if you are even remotely interested, here is what my typical day at the Beach House looks like:

Around 7:00 am: One of my various (7:01, 7:03, or 7:04) alarms go off. I usually do not get up… oops. My ambitious self the night before decides that working out in the morning sounds like a brilliant idea… until it is the next morning. I usually turn off whatever random song I preset and roll right back over into my cloud of a bed.

7:45 am: Okay so this is the real deal. A few years ago I decided to set my ringtone for this alarm to “Imma Bee” by the Black Eyed Peas (I really have NO idea why) and the second I hear the beginning of the song I spring out of bed. Well, it’s more like a groggy stand up, but same idea.

7:45 am - 8:20 am: Various morning activities take place such as shower, blow dry my hair (OR some mornings I spray some Dry Bar dry shampoo in and call it a day), lots of coffee and water to revive myself, and putting on an outfit I picked out the night before (I cannot go to sleep without picking out an outfit for the next day. My mom made my sister and I do this when we were in elementary school and ever since then I have not stopped doing it… A little crazy? Yes! But it does make for smoother mornings!).

8:20 am - 8:30 am: Throw some random snacks and food in a bag for lunch and run out the door to drive from my house in Duxbury to the ferry.

9:15 am - 9:50 am: I take the ferry into Rowes Wharf from Hingham Shipyard. I’m most likely browsing social media or the Wall Street Journal (#goals) on my commute, coffee in hand of course.

10:00 am - 7:00 pm: Come visit me at the Beach House! The store technically does not open until 11, but since I get there at 10, I open it early. These hours usually include counting inventory, keeping the store clean, and waving to customers as they walk by. I put on some upbeat music and love people watching from the doorway. P.S: I’m usually wearing a Pardy Wrap since I am ALWAYS cold. They make for a chic, stylish, and simple accessory to ANY outfit… seriously. It does not matter what you are wearing. They really up the outfit.

7:00 pm - 7:30 pm: I close up the shop and walk over to the boat. Since I have some time to spare before the ferry, I take the scenic route and love seeing all the liveliness in the Seaport.

7:30 pm - 8:30 pm: My commute home! I really do take planes, trains, and automobiles to get to the Beach House, but I do not mind! I’ve always appreciated the time to myself.

8:30 pm - 11:00 pm: When I get home, I make dinner for myself (my favorite is zucchini noodles with pesto and LOADS of parm), shower, pick out yet another outfit, and sometimes watch a TV show. My best self would read but sometimes that’s just not in the works (or really never). I hit the hay around 11 and then do it over again the next day!

Long day? Yes. Lots of miles traveled? Yes. Worth it? Yes, yes, yes, 100% YES!


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